Prize Money:$10,000
Race/Show Records:
-FF2 Chance To Dance Dressage Show-Level 1- Champion-$5,000 (50 extra pts)
-FF2 Spring To Summer Jumper Classic
Training lvl 2'6-2'9 Round 1-5th
Training lvl 2'6-2'9 Jump Off-3rd
-1st Azalea Halter Event 2005
Stallion:1st-$5,000-25 pts.
NOTE:this is NOT real! Any similarities between these horses and real ones is a coincidence.
I have aquired most of these horses (and their pictures) through sales, adoptions, trades, etc. To my knowledge, none
were stolen. Please forgive me if a picture is here without your consent. To contact me, email me at I will either take the picture down or, at your request, I will give you credit to the picture and link it to your site
if you wish.